Showing Results 1 to 14 of 14 Total

Navy Collar Devices

14 Products
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    • Admin, Construction, Deck, Medical, Tech & Weapons Specialties

      • Acoustic Technician
      • Boatswain
      • Chaplain
      • Cryptology
      • Data Processing
      • Dental Corps
      • Electronics Tech
      • Explosive Ordnance Disposal
      • Hospital Corpsman
      • Information Systems Tech
      • Intelligence Specialist
      • Legalman
      • Master-at-Arms
      • Medical
      • Musician
      • Ordnance
      • Photographer
      • Physicians Assistant
      • Religious Programs Specialist
      • Supply Corps
      • Underwater Ordnance
      • Clerk
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    • Aviation Specialties

      • Aviation Boatswain
      • Air Traffic Controller
      • Aerographer
      • Aviation Ordnanceman
      • Aviation Electronics Tech
      • Aviation Maintenance Tech
      • Aviation Warfare Systems Operator
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    • Engineering & Hull Specialties

      • Engineer
      • Machinist's Mate
      • Civil Engineer
      • Diving
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    • Other Collar Devices

      • Public Health Service
      • SWCC
      • Special Warrant Officer
    • Metal Device Finish

      • Mirror Finish
      • Black Metal
    • Embroidered Device Material

      • Coverall
      • Cold Weather Parka
      • Woodland Digital
    Showing Results 1 to 14 of 14 Total